'Let Marriage be held in honour among all...'
Heb. 13:4
Couples for Christ India (CFCI) is one expression of this international ecclesial movement and operates in India under the Family Commission of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India. Several Dioceses in India, including Bombay had approved its statutes and it is in the process of being constituted as a national private association of Christ's faithful in the Catholic dioceses of India. It has as its objectives the evangelization, renewal and strengthening of families according to the mind of God as revealed by Christ and his Church. CFCI brings together men, women, youth and children who have committed themselves to the Lord Jesus Christ and to one another to live out their faith as a missionary community, so that they may both grow in Christian perfection as men and women of God, transforming their families to find fulfillment in Christ Jesus, and be instruments of God’s saving love to all peoples. CFCI members encompass the complete social and economic spectrum - from a cosmopolitan city background to a tribal background and are found in over 50 dioceses across India. In Mumbai, CFCI is operating in 26 parishes.
Our Charism'Beloved, let 4:7
Renewing Family Life in the areas of
Worship Discipleship Service Communion Evangelization
Honour God Emulate Christ Act for Others Relate Righteously Testify to Christ
We live in times of stress with both partners working to make ends meet. It is a rat race in which everyone struggles and is under constant pressure. The times have made us irritable and unconcerned. We are unaware of the emotional needs of our family. Communication between spouses and between parents and Children does not exist. Peer pressures and influence of this material world are constantly attacking family life. What we need in these moments is break to relax and reflect. The Christian Life Program provides this much needed time for relaxing and introspection.
The family needs a Christian couple at its core
Society needs true Christian families
The world needs Couples for Christ
Couples ForChrist is a family ministry that enriches the bond of marriage and makes a difference in the life of not only the couples but also of children, youth and young adults. CFC is dedicated to the entire family with ministries for every member of the family and is called a womb-to-tomb ministry.
CFCI - a gift to the Church & the World
CFCI believes it is a gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church and to the
To the Church: Through various programs CFCI fosters the personal renewal and growth of the parishioners, both temporal and spiritual. We lead people to put order in their lives through the practice of discipline; We lead people to exercise responsible stewardship of all their resources, including their time, talents and treasures. CFCI members contribute generously of their resources to the Parish, Diocese and the Church. CFCI couples to involve themselves in the different activities of the Parish to make it truly vibrant.
CFCI seeks to build Christ-centered families. The couples are brought to an awareness of their role in the family (the domestic church), their own marital relationship &sexuality, and their relationship with God and his people, through programs like Marriage Enrichment Retreats. We lead people to exercise responsible parenthood; CFIC is pro-life and actively propagates the Church’s teachings in this regard. With the formation of Households (cells), CFCI strives to build bonds of love & communion among parishioners through a network of small communities that are generally neighbourhood.
CFCI members are actively involved in the parish serving in a variety of parish ministries, like SCCs, Confirmation Catechesis, Adult Catechesis, Family Cells, Eucharistic Ministers, Parish Council, Choir etc.
CFCI ensures its integration in parish structures by having its representatives in various parish bodies and by undertaking to sources resources [personnel, programs, infrastructural support] to the extent possible and within the areas of its core-competencies.
To the World: CFCI programs help develop responsible citizens. They help people (especially the working youth) inculcate a work ethic that is just and bring gospel values to their workplace. We choose to work with the poor and are committed to work for their all-round development. Our programs of rapid, massive, global evangelization offer people a reason to live and empower them to serve. Members of the CFCI family in Mumbai (including youth) have gone out of Mumbai to places like Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Assam to evangelize. CFCI Mumbai has members (adults as well as youth) who have, out of their own free choice, put on hold their academic/professional careers in order to spend some years as full-time pastoral workers (FTPWs) in the service of the Lord’s Kingdom. Nonetheless, CFC recognizes that they are a community of sinners who fail from time to time; we are always in need of the grace of Christ for ongoing conversion and the forgiveness of our brothers and sisters.
The household meetings are held every week in the house of the CFC member. The duration of the meeting is 45 minutes.
To know more about this ministry please contact –
Mr. Nelson Mendonca – 8898037662, Mrs. Shraddha Mendonca – 9867647272.
Mr. Pat Pinto – 9867886826